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Ready to elevate your printing skills and achieve the perfect prints? Join us at Click Live on Tuesday
June 25th, at 1pm on the Main Stage for an unmissable talk by Glyn Dewis in association with

Glyn is a highly respected and renowned figure in the world of photography and digital imaging,
bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the field of printmaking. His work spans various
genres, including portrait, landscape, and composite photography, earning him international acclaim
and numerous awards. Glyn’s passion for teaching has led him to share his knowledge through
workshops, tutorials, and speaking engagements around the globe.

During his presentation at Click Live, Glyn will delve into the essential aspects of perfecting prints,
covering everything from screen calibration to printer performance checks, paper selection, and
software considerations. He’ll shine a light on those often-overlooked settings that can make all the
difference in achieving perfect prints, providing invaluable insights for anyone looking to master the
art of print excellence.

Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting out, this presentation promises to
equip you with valuable knowledge and practical tips. Attendees will leave armed with a deeper
understanding of the printing process as well as practical strategies to overcome common
challenges, which can then be applied to your own work

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from one of the industry’s leading experts and
leave with the confidence to create stunning prints every time.
After his talk make sure you head over to the PermaJet stand to see the range of award-winning
papers for yourself, plus get first hand advice and special show offers. We look forward to seeing
you there!

For more information about PermaJet and their range of printing products, visit PermaJet’s website.
If you’d like to learn about printing and paper before Click Live, you can download PermaJet’s free
eBooks The Knowledge Vol 1: The Art of Paper Selection and The Knowledge Vol 2: The Step-by-Step
Guide to Printing.